What is AyeLabz?
AyeLabz is a new age and innovative wholesome capability development organization which provides an all round comprehensive development for your child. We do this with the help of our one of a kind online assessment and carefully crafted training programs.
What is PRIDE development assessment?
PRIDE development assessment is the assessment of finding the 5 most important abilities or skills the next generation will need to achieve success in any endeavour. PRIDE Success Taxonomy helps us in knowing how kids Understand, Interpret, Evaluate, Communicate, and Adapt themselves in the process towards a successful completion of a life journey, career, project, activity or work.
What does PRIDE stand for?
Perceiving, Reasoning, Influencing, Delivering, and Engaging
What is the right age to take up the assessment?
Best age to take up the assessment are 9 years and above
Where can I view my report? Can I download the report?
You can view your report in the report section of the profile. Reports can also be downloaded.
Do I need to study and prepare for the assessment?
No, these assessments do not require any preparation except mental preparedness and sincerity of the child.
What is the duration of Assessments?
PRIDE development assessment will take approx 45 to 60 minutes to complete.
How will I take the Assessments ?
It's an online assessment. You can log in through your phone or laptop and take the assessments from your home. These assessments are very user friendly. However, if you are stuck anywhere you can contact us anytime.
What is ScholAR Virtual Lab?
ScholAR is an experiment based interactive and immersive 3-D learning platform with the objective of generating a game-like fascinating user experience. It's a fun and exploratory learning experience for your child.
What is AyeLabz LMS?
AyeLabz LMS is a state of the art learning management system suitable for schools, students, teachers and parents. It is the ultimate extension of the classroom enabling you to teach and learn from anywhere and anytime.
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